Keywords: security, human social security, social protection, state of human social security, provision of social security


The article reveals the essence of human social security and identifies ways to ensuring it. Ensuring human social security is one of the priorities of the state in the current realities. Today, Ukrainian society is in a situation of increased danger. In this regard, the search for ways to ensure social protection of the population becomes especially relevant. The goals of the article are to reveal the essence of human social security, substantiate its threats, as well as ways to reduce them in the current realities. Theoretical and methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to the definition of human social security as a scientific category, scientific works of domestic theorists and practitioners. To achieve the purposes of this article, we used the methods of theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis, as well comparative-critical analysis, system approach. Different authors’ approaches to the interpretation of the essence of human social security are considered and his author’s vision is proposed. It was determined that the concept of human social security is multifaceted and has an objective-subjective nature. It is justified that human social security is the result of social policy of the state and is associated with compliance with state social standards. Its main criteria are the level and quality of life of the population. Today, the system of social security needs to be revised. Because the state is unable to fully ensure all social rights and guarantees of citizens, which are defined at the legislative level. It is argued that it is impossible to solve all problems in the social sphere only by external forces, in particular by the actions of official and unofficial institutions of power. Everyone must also work independently in the direction of forming her own security space. The main threats in the social sphere are systematized. It is concluded that human social security depends on external factors and intrapersonal factors. The external means of ensuring human social security, which are implemented through the state and society, have been identified. Measures for the formation of a safe human space are systematized.


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How to Cite
Buniak, N. (2022). HUMAN SOCIAL SECURITY: ESSENCE AND WAYS OF MAINTENANCE. Economy and Society, (37).