Keywords: resilience, socio-economic system, drivers of resilience, types of resilience, signs of resilience


The article is devoted to the topical issues of researching the resilience of the socio-economic system to global shocks based on the identification of the main parameters of resilience. The importance and necessity of high-quality organizational and management support for forming a resilient economic system is substantiated. Types of resilience of the socio-economic system were analyzed and systematized. The "innate" and "acquired" drivers and signs of resilience of the socio-economic system are outlined. They can absorb or mitigate losses in shock conditions, as well as restructuring and rapid renewal in the post-shock period. It is noted that the "power" of the shock plays an important role – the more intense and longer the impact of the shock on the socio-economic system, the longer the period of its restructuring and renewal. It is substantiated that a diversified economy, and a high level of inter-industry interactions in the macro-region, are decisive drivers of the regional socio-economic system's resilience to external shocks. It has been highlighted that effective managerial decisions of the management of the socio-economic system regarding the strengthening of the positive influence of stimulating drivers, as well as the reduction / increase of the influence of disincentive (restraint) factors make it possible to build a stable socio-economic system, and in the event of a shock event, to effectively manage this system. The resilience of the socio-economic system is associated with the level of development of the budget system, first of all, with maintaining balance (preventing disproportions) between budget expenditures and revenues. Therefore, the authors call interbudgetary transfers an important driver of resilience, particularly of subsidized socio-economic systems. The driving force of recovery and reorientation are internal adaptive drivers, mechanisms built into the system that catalyze impulses for protection, renewal and structural transformations, namely, consolidating various assets of vertical and horizontal ties at the appropriate stage, changing the economic situation in the country.


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