Keywords: religious tourism, tourist resources, popularization, tourist potential, sacred architecture, excursion, tourist route, Volyn region


The article analyzes the use of historical and cultural monuments of the Volyn region as resources for the development of religious tourism in the region. Attention is drawn to individual religious objects that are most popular with tourists and form their impressions of the history and culture of the Volyn region. The importance of the spiritual and artistic significance of sacred objects is noted, which is determined by their appearance, status and spiritual significance and forms an excursion-cognitive orientation. The main forms of popularization and use of religious tourism resources of the Volyn region in the tourism and excursion industry are described. The work highlights the main objects of religious tourism in the region, which are included in walking, car, water and bicycle excursions or tourist routes. The article aim is to determine the degree of involvement of tourist resources in the development of religious tourism in the Volyn region and to identify directions for their use and popularization. Achieving the goal involves solving the following tasks: determining the importance of using sacred monuments of various denominations in the tourist infrastructure of the region; analysis of the tourist information centers work of the Volyn region in the field of popularization of religious tourism resources; selection of walking, driving, water and cycling tours and routes that include touristic and sightseeing religious objects; outlining the use of information and communication technologies in the processes of actualizing spiritual heritage. The research methodology of the study was composed by the fundamental scientific methods – analysis, synthesis, and analysis. As a result, the potential of religious tourism in the Volyn region and its promotion was determined. The scientific novelty of the article lies in an attempt to analyze the trends in the development of religious tourism in the Volyn region and to determine the degree of involvement of tourist and excursion sacred objects in cultural, educational and local history excursions and tourist trips. Conclusions. It was determined that the possibilities of religious tourism resources allow to develop significant tourist potential of the Volyn region. The popularization and inclusion of religious monuments in excursion and tourist routes allows to reveal the spiritual culture of the region and promotes interfaith dialogue.


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How to Cite
Karpiuk, A., Trofimuk-Kyrylova, T., & Kyrylov, M. (2022). RELIGIOUS TOURISM RESOURCES OF THE VOLYN REGION: PROMOTION AND TOURIST POTENTIAL. Economy and Society, (44).