Keywords: creative entrepreneurship, creative industries, strategic vector, development strategy


The creative economy has little dependence on material resources, so it is easier and faster to create new jobs, generate income and develop exports. Since creative entrepreneurship became popular, significant losses were noted with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of which were suspended or closed altogether. At the end of 2021, domestic entrepreneurs adapted to new business conditions. Creative entrepreneurship refers to a business that operates within the cultural and creative industries. Today, creative entrepreneurship is possible even in those areas where they were traditionally not creative. It is important for entrepreneurs to be innovative. Unlike traditional entrepreneurship, creative entrepreneurship is more risk. Leaders in creative industries are IT and advertising. The IT sphere, among other types of creative entrepreneurship, was the least affected by the pandemic due to the fact that relocation was not a problem for it, this sphere continues to develop. The work provides an official classification of types of entrepreneurial activity. It was determined that other types of activities that are not included in the list can be creative. The main stages of the creative entrepreneurship process are given. The strategic vector of worldview values of creative entrepreneurs in the conditions of global challenges and development trends of the modern world is defined. The study showed that not all entrepreneurs are aware of the importance of strategic planning. The main reason people stop planning is that they think it's impossible to make a realistic development plan in a situation of instability. But the importance of strategic planning remains unchanged. The task of entrepreneurs is to adapt to changes. It is important to note that the financing of creative entrepreneurship will take place at the expense of various international programs, grants, and partially state funds. Many entrepreneurs in the creative sphere, using their communication skills, began to actively volunteer and engage in those types of business that cover the primary needs of the civilian population and the military.


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