Keywords: logistics, potential, efficiency, quality


Defining, measuring, and evaluating the quality of logistics capability management is crucial for companies seeking to reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction, and long-term success. The study aims to create a comprehensive framework for measuring and analyzing the quality of logistics capability management, which will allow companies to identify areas for improvement, develop targeted strategies, and track their progress over time. The study also aims to provide insights into best practices and success stories in logistics management based on historical and contemporary examples. The study uses a mixed-methods approach combining a literature review, case study analysis, and quantitative data analysis. General scientific research methods were used, including induction and deduction. The literature review focuses on domestic textbooks and research in the field of logistics and supply chain management. At the same time, the case study analysis examines successful examples of managing the logistics potential of global companies. Quantitative data analysis is used to develop and validate key performance indicators to measure the quality of logistics capability management. The study presents a comprehensive framework of key performance indicators for assessing the quality of logistics capability management, covering aspects such as efficiency, accuracy, customer satisfaction, and sustainability. The results of this study offer practical recommendations for companies seeking to improve their logistics capability management. They include indicators of efficiency, accuracy, customer focus, and sustainability. By strategically planning, organizing, and controlling logistics and supply chain processes, companies can optimize the flow of goods, services, and information to increase customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency. By implementing the proposed concept and best practices, companies can increase the efficiency of their logistics activities, achieve cost savings, and ultimately maintain a competitive advantage in the market.


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How to Cite
Khmarska, I., Sigaieva, T., & Bachynska, O. (2023). EVALUATION OF EFFICIENCY AND QUALITY OF LOGISTICS POTENTIAL MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (49). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-49-19