Keywords: digital marketing, digitalization, social networks, search engines, marketing strategy


This study offers a comprehensive analysis of the digital marketing market, highlights various tools and technologies, and provides recommendations for the consistent implementation of marketing strategies for businesses. This research can be useful for businesses in improving their marketing efforts and achieving success in the digital age. The purpose of the study is to analyze the digital marketing market, identify tools and technologies, and develop a sequence of marketing strategies for businesses. The research methodology is based on statistical analysis of data, including statistical reports, publications, and research. The study results show that digital marketing has a significant impact on business processes, including attracting and retaining customers, increasing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, and analyzing market trends. The analysis of the digital marketing market has shown key trends and benefits of using digital tools such as social media, content marketing, and search engine advertising. In addition, technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics play a crucial role in the implementation of digital marketing strategies. Applying digital marketing to a business involves a consistent process that integrates goals, understands consumer behavior, develops relevant content, tracks customer feedback, and constantly evaluates and adjusts strategies based on data analysis. Modern digital marketing and management technologies play a critical role at every stage, providing valuable tools and analytics to effectively implement and optimize digital marketing strategies. The practical significance of this study is that it provides businesses with an understanding of the process of developing and implementing digital marketing strategies. The results of the study can be used by businesses to increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, attract new customers and strengthen their competitive position in the market.


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How to Cite
Obikhod, S., Matveyev, M., & Boiko, V. (2023). DIGITAL MARKETING IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITALIZATION OF MODERN BUSINESS PROCESSES. Economy and Society, (50).