Keywords: railway transport, railway passenger transport, passenger traffic, foreign experience, competitiveness, efficiency, transport system


The purpose of the article is to study the global practices of the development of passenger transport by rail and to identify those that are of interest for implementation in Ukraine under the conditions of reforms. The role of railway passenger transportation in the world transport system has been proven and their significance for the national economy has been established. It has been proven that increased competition on the global transport market, integration of the country into the European and world transport systems require new approaches to the development of the transport sector and increasing its competitiveness. The basic models of the functioning of the rail transportation market (North American, European, mixed) are analyzed. The expediency of the European model for the development of the domestic sphere of railway passenger transportation was noted. It was noted that the reforms carried out in the field of railway passenger transportation in the countries of the European Union were aimed at liberalizing the market and expanding competition. Attention is focused on the fact that one of the modern trends in the development of the world market of railway passenger transportation is the increase in train speed and the spread of high-speed and high-speed traffic. It is noted that the introduction of such lines is carried out in stages, which involves the reconstruction of existing railway lines or the complete replacement of lines and the commissioning of new high-speed lines. It has been established that the leaders of the world transport industry use the best achievements and innovations in the field of improving the quality, safety, and efficiency of logistics activities. Among the practices that, under the conditions of adaptation, are of interest for the development of domestic railway passenger transportation and should become strategic directions for the further development of the transport industry, the following have been identified: formation of an effective regulatory framework harmonized with European standards; state support for the functioning of the industry; infrastructure modernization; creation of favorable conditions for investment attraction, stimulation of these processes through the implementation of a programmatic approach; organization of high-speed passenger traffic on existing lines (subject to reconstruction).


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