Keywords: shadow economy, shadowization, world economy, structuring of the shadow economy, comparative analysis


The article examines the essence of the concepts of the shadow economy, the shadow economy of the world economy. A comparative analysis of the scientific works of experts and international organizations regarding the interpretation of the shadow economy was carried out. The problems of the lack of consensus regarding the criteria for classifying economic activity as a shadow, as well as the application of the terminological apparatus to this phenomenon and its structural components, are identified. In scientific works, the following main criteria for classification as a shadow economy are distinguished: activity that creates added value and its market pricing (B. Wyznikiewicz); violation of the law; absence or inadequacy compared to the official economy in relation to the enterprise or workplaces or activities (F. Schneider and others); the level of accounting of economic transactions and legality (violation of legislation) European system of accounts, etc.); coverage by official agreements (R. Dell'Anno). Scientific approaches to the structuring of the shadow economy are grouped, which generally consist of the following: 1) lack of structuring; 2) allocation of two segments (legal and illegal), 3) allocation of three segments (legal, illegal, criminal); 4) allocation of four segments (domestic, informal (legal), underground (illegal), criminal). Debatable provisions are highlighted, in particular, the expediency of such signs of classifying economic activity as shady, such as hierarchy, availability of resources, and violation of legislation, is refuted. Based on the systematization of the terminological apparatus regarding the structuring (segmentation) of the shadow economy, terminological discrepancies were found. The application of the same terms to fundamentally different components of the shadow economy is singled out, which introduces confusion into the conceptual apparatus of the study of shadowing processes. The correct interpretation of the concept of "shadowization of the world economy" is proposed. The "shadowization of the world economy" refers to the level of spread of the phenomena inherent in the definition of the "shadow economy" in the global economic system, which in its essence means the differentiation of forms, scales of manifestations and tools for the implementation of shadow economic activity at the level of subjects of international economic relations and connections between them, sectoral international markets.


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How to Cite
Savrasov, M. (2023). TERMINOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE STUDY OF SHADOWIZATIO OF THE WORLD ECONOMY. Economy and Society, (52). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-52-40