Keywords: compliance, compliance control, corruption risks, corruption, economic security, compliance system


In the world, compliance has strongly entered the practical activities of mankind and is used in many spheres of social life. Compliance control ensures the prevention of corruption risks and strengthening the economic security of the state on this basis. The purpose of this study was the formation of a unified approach to the interpretation of the concept of «compliance» and the characteristics of the key elements of the compliance system of an enterprise, organization, or institution. The object of the study is the compliance system in combating corruption and preventing corruption risks. To achieve the goal, the work uses traditional methods of scientific knowledge: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, generalization and synthesis. According to the results of the study of the scientists’ views on the interpretation of the essence of the concept of «compliance», we suggest that it be understood as «compliance of the enterprise’s activities and its internal policies, rules and procedures with national and international legislation, moral and ethical norms of business conduct, control over all processes, implementation of management of compliance risks in the system of combating corruption and strengthening economic security». The work defines and describes the main components of the compliance system: the purpose of compliance control, its tasks, principles, functions. A set of Compliance policies in the company is characterized. The areas of implementation of internal and external compliance control have been established. The results of the presented research can be used for further scientific investigations of the problem of applying compliance in order to overcome corruption. Development of a theoretical and methodological basis for the study of the compliance problem and the formation of a compliance system at enterprises, organizations and institutions in order to prevent corruption risks and overcome corruption.


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How to Cite
Hura, V. (2023). COMPLIANCE SYSTEM AS A WAY OF OVERCOMING CORRUPTION. Economy and Society, (52).