Keywords: digital marketing, digital technologies, digital marketing tools, cloud services, CRM system


The purpose of the article is to determine the main approaches to the recommended use of digital technologies in the marketing activities of enterprises, to determine their features, to understand the essence and significance, to focus on the effectiveness of their use for the implementation of marketing activities in the conditions of the global crisis of the modern environment in order to achieve effective business indicators. Conducting research and solving the goals and tasks set in the article is implemented with the help of appropriate general scientific, special research methods: comparative analysis and synthesis, systematization, grouping, logical generalization, interpretation and adaptation. An analysis of theoretical and practical developments in the application of digital marketing in various fields of economic activity has been carried out. The article examines the digitization of the marketing activities of enterprises and the features of the use of digital technologies. The concept of digital marketing and digital technologies used to promote a brand or products in modern crisis conditions of society are defined. The list of the main tools of digital marketing was analyzed and the essential content of these tools was revealed. The possibilities of applying the promising direction of the digital environment, which involves the transition to the use of cloud services, were considered and worked out, and their main advantages and requirements for use were determined. The processes of interaction between cloud services and CRM systems, which satisfy the needs of business and the end consumer, are defined. Enterprises are offered the implementation of CRM systems based on cloud technologies, and proposals are provided for approaches to system selection taking into account the needs of the customer. A conclusion was made about the expediency of business transition to the use of cloud CRM systems, as this will contribute to effectively support business needs and ensure competitiveness in a crisis situation.


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How to Cite
Bilousko, T. (2023). DIGITIZATION OF MARKETING ACTIVITIES OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (52). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-52-76