Keywords: enterprise, region, innovations, structural shifts, transformation, crisis period


The article examines the genesis of the concept of "structural shifts" and its differences from related concepts, and identifies the features of its manifestation in the crisis period. Equal manifestations of structural shifts in economic systems are identified, a classification of structural shifts in the innovative economy in the crisis period is proposed (by historical characteristics, by geographic segmentation, by the coverage of elements of the economic system, in relation to a certain economic system, by the rate of time use, by the rate, by the use time, scale of changes and depth of action) and their functions are determined. The influence of the dual nature of structural changes on the level of efficiency of innovative development of the region's enterprises during the crisis period was revealed (on the one hand, according to the object of the study, they appear as a process determined by an unsatisfied need, behind it is the unrealized interest of economic systems in increasing innovation sustainability. On the other hand on the one hand, they are the result of the development of the system structure, reflect a certain level of effectiveness of innovative development). The causes of structural shifts are investigated, the sequence of innovative structural shifts in the crisis period is proposed. The general features of structural changes, which are an impetus for further innovative development, are highlighted, where they acquire a certain specificity (comprehensiveness or involvement of changes in all elements of a given production system, scale, transformational nature of changes, quality of changes). Thus, structural shifts in innovative activity can be of different directions, therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of innovative activity of economic systems due to the growth of sustainability and security of development in the long-term period, they need controlling influences. In the future, with the creation of such management and maintaining the rate of growth of their effectiveness, structural processes allow the formation of a self-developed innovative economic system. It has been proven that structural shifts in the crisis period, initiated by innovations, have an innovative nature at their inception, which can bring the economic system to a new level of innovative sustainability. Innovative structural shifts are singled out in a special category, to which it is proposed to include such changes in the relationships of the elements of the economic system that allow it to reach a new level of systemic qualities and ensure the continuity of its innovative activity.


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