• Oksana Rudenko Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Ilya Nesenenko Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Vladyslav Storchak Cherkasy State Technological University
Keywords: international migration, human resources, geo-economic transformation, demographic problems, crisis


The article examines the direction of international migration of human resources in the conditions of geo-economic transformations, where special attention is paid to positive and negative factors, signs of the emergence of migration processes, problems in the state administration system of Ukraine and their impact on the effectiveness of hostilities. An analysis of the migration of human resources of Ukraine was carried out, theoretical aspects, demographic problems were considered, and directions for improvement were proposed. Analysis of the theoretical justification of migration processes shows that the set of principles that should be followed when studying international migration require further consideration. Considering the dynamism of the global economic environment, the issue of international migration of human resources as a form of international economic relations is important and a challenge for the international community. Demographic problems of Ukraine, hostilities, decrease in budget revenues and increase in the pension burden are largely due to the migration of the able-bodied population and young professionals. Also, the trend of migration and natural population movement that has developed in Ukraine over the past 25 years poses a threat to the state not only from a demographic, but also from an economic point of view. Due to the unfavorable demographic situation in Ukraine and the influence of external migration processes, there is a decrease in the labor force, which is of a permanent nature. There are negative changes in the labor market participation of age groups: 1) the share of 15-19-year-olds in the workforce is increasing; 2) the share of 60+-year-olds in the workforce is increasing; 3) the share of 24-50-year-olds in the workforce is decreasing. The main reasons for migration from Ukraine are the low level of the minimum and average monthly wages, the low share of wages in the income and expenses of households, as well as the low level of social protection of workers and their families due to the delay in the payment of wages and the low level of implementation of collective agreements.


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How to Cite
Rudenko, O., Nesenenko, I., & Storchak, V. (2023). TRENDS OF INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION OF HUMAN RESOURCES OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (54).