Keywords: conflic, conflict management, labor team, conflict competence, organization


The issue of conflict research has become particularly relevant: on the one hand, some scientists claim that conflicts negatively affect the activity of a modern organization, destabilize it and cause misunderstandings between employees, and on the other hand, others believe that conflicts have a positive effect on the organization's activity and contribute to professional and psychological development of employees. With the development of competitive business conditions in production management systems, the issue of employee awareness in the field of organizational conflict management, which is based on the development of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of conflict analysis and communication, is becoming more and more relevant. Depending on their role managers in organizations are usually at the center of conflicts and are expected to use the means necessary to resolve them. Every manager should know everything about conflicts, means and methods of conflict prevention and resolution. Therefore, the topic of the article is relevant since conflict management is one of the most important responsibilities of managers. The article examines the peculiarities of managing conflict situations in teams. The causes of disputes between employees are considered. The concept of conflictological competence is considered, the functions and importance of its acquisition by employees are shown. It was found that conflict is a necessary form of interaction between participants and a means of solving problems. The methods of solving conflict situations are analyzed, the positive and negative consequences of the occurrence of conflicts are given, as well as suggestions for adjusting the behavior of employees in conflicts. Proposed preventive measures in organizational settings to reduce the level of conflicts. According to the results of the study it was established that each organization can experience different types of conflicts, depending on the level of quality of corporate culture, the size of the organization, and the personal characteristics of managers and team members.


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How to Cite
Soroka, O., & Bliznyuk, O. (2023). MANAGEMENT OF CONFLICT SITUATIONS IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS. Economy and Society, (56).