Keywords: development management model, enterprises of the bakery industry, management decisions, development strategy, economic effect


The article is devoted to the definition of the theoretical foundations of the development management model of enterprises in the bakery industry and the justification of its components. It is noted that modeling the management of the development of bakery enterprises allows to form their conditional image as a result of the influence of individual management decisions, which will contribute to the selection of the most optimal option of functioning, taking into account its own capabilities and threats of the surrounding environment. The elements of the management model for the development of enterprises in the bakery industry are considered and the most significant ones are emphasized: the definition of the goal, as a guideline for the management of the development of enterprises in the bakery industry and development strategy, as an action plan for improvement. Development directions of bakery enterprises are determined depending on the intensity and scale of development expressed by strategies of concentrated, integrated or diversified growth. Administrative, economic and socio-psychological methods of managing the development of enterprises in the bakery industry will aim to ensure the effectiveness of the chosen direction of development. The need to implement an intensive path of development of bakery enterprises on an innovative basis is substantiated, which will ensure an increase in the efficiency of the use of resource potential, the expansion and renewal of the product range, and the improvement of production and organizational processes. The implementation of an intensive path of development of bakery enterprises is possible by using own funds as sources of investment innovations, which will contribute to their rational use due to independence in matters of production and financial activity. It is proved that the achievement of economic and social effect by baking enterprises is possible under the condition of using various kinds of innovations, improvement of development management through management functions, formation and implementation of the enterprise development strategy.


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How to Cite
Dunda, S., Rybachuk-Yarova, T., & Tyukha, I. (2023). MODEL OF MANAGEMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF BAKERY INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (57).