Keywords: IT-projects, management, project management, enterprise, efficiency, business processes


The research materials substantiate the relevance of increasing the efficiency of IT-project management in the business processes of a modern enterprise. Features of the application of information technologies for modern enterprises are highlighted (dynamism, innovativeness and growth of the information services market, strategic advantages provided by the use of advanced information technologies), which make it possible to form highly competitive advantages of business entities that actively use IT-technologies in market conditions economy. A number of modern software for managing IT-projects, which are most widely used in the IT-management system (desktop group, client-server group, and web services software), are presented. The obstacles that stand in the way of using IT-project management in the management of modern enterprises have been identified, among which the high level of dynamics of information flows, difficulties in the development and implementation of information and software systems for managing IT-projects due to the outflow of IT personnel, limited financial resources, most managers lack understanding of the expediency of using IT-project management to improve the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole, the expediency of non-stop IT-project management in the organization and provision of mobile management. In addition, a scheme for evaluating the effectiveness of IT-project management at the enterprise is proposed, which provides for the evaluation of information technology costs, the calculation and evaluation of the enterprise's profit from the implementation and management of the IT-project, and the calculation of the economic efficiency of the management, implementation and application of IT-projects. As target indicators, according to which it is effective to evaluate the effectiveness of IT-project management, it is proposed to use such characteristics as: net discounted income, internal rate of return, indices of return on costs and investments, discounted payback period.


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How to Cite
Adler, O., Lesko, O., & Lesko, O. (2024). ON THE ISSUE OF THE RELEVANCE AND EFFICIENCY OF IT PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN THE BUSINESS PROCESSES OF A MODERN ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (59). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-59-1