Keywords: innovative goods, innovative entrepreneurship, innovative development, classification of commodity innovations, management of implementation of commodity innovations


The article is devoted to the study of innovative products as the basis of innovative entrepreneurship. Enterprises that have chosen an innovative path of development achieve the greatest success. The basis of innovative entrepreneurship is the development, production and promotion of innovative products. The purpose of the article is to study innovative products as the basis of innovative entrepreneurship. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used in writing the article. Approaches to the essence of the concept of "innovative product" and classification of such products according to classification features: the level of radical innovation, market scale, the reason for innovative development, the novelty of technological parameters, the impact on the production process, the relationship to the product prototype, type of production strategy; level of risk, the depth of changes made to the product. The main methods of developing innovative products are identified: brainstorming, focal object method, coaching, search design method, causal diagram. The need to form a strategy for managing the implementation of product innovations is emphasized. It is expedient for business entities to substantiate strategies adequate to modern economic conditions, combining them and using them simultaneously to increase the financial and economic indicators of innovative entrepreneurship. The Ukrainian practice of development and implementation of innovative goods is analyzed and it is concluded that the number of innovative products introduced into production decreased almost 4 times during 2000-2020, although the costs of innovation increased by UAH 12.6 billion. This indicates the low introduction of innovative products, which leads to non-competitive Ukrainian products in both domestic and global markets. Ukraine's rating in the global innovation index was assessed, which showed that the available resources and conditions for the production and promotion of innovative goods in Ukraine increased during 2018-2020, however, innovation results deteriorated.


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How to Cite
Kyrychenko, A., & Berezovska, L. (2021). INNOVATIVE GOODS AS THE BASIS OF INNOVATIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Economy and Society, (29).