Keywords: international business, external environment, analysis, criteria, generalization, enterprise


The article is devoted to the substantiation of expediency and urgent need to study the external environment of economic entities in the conditions of modern radical changes in the world economic system. The current development of international economic activity of domestic economic entities is characterized by increasing influence of the external environment of their operation, and it is in the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic that this influence has changed both in nature and strength. Today, the international environment is quite diversified and hierarchical, so there is no doubt about the need to study it to develop sound management decisions when companies enter new foreign markets or expand their activities in existing markets. Over the past two years, the world community has failed to provide more or less effective ways or methods of adapting businesses to the ever-changing and, in many cases, completely unpredictable, conditions of doing business. And it is not only about the significant volatility of world markets due to the changing world conditions, but also about the change in the conditions of cooperation with the country's counterparties due to significant protectionist measures at the macro level. In these conditions, the question of studying the theoretical aspects of the content and structure of the external environment of enterprises in the international sphere is urgent. Exploring the enterprise as an open system that operates in conditions of turbulence in world markets, it is advisable to distinguish between its external and internal environment. At the same time it is impossible to consider them simplified both on the maintenance, and on with structure. In the economic literature there is a significant number of scientific definitions of the essence of the concept of "environment", but a single approach to the interpretation of this definition, according to the authors, does not exist. This fact determines the feasibility of in-depth study of scientific developments in this aspect. In the article the authors carried out a criterion analysis of the existing definitions of the essence of the external environment of the enterprise, singled out and proposed approaches to structuring scientific views and provided its own interpretation for in-depth identification of its characteristics in international business.


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