Keywords: economic potential, business, program, financial stability, relocation, martial law


The article reveals the peculiarities of preserving and maintaining the economic potential of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law. It has been established that the Ukrainian economy and business are gradually recovering after an almost complete standstill in the first days of the enemy attacks. Preservation and support of the economic potential of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law occurs at the expense of new tax changes, which allows to ensure financial stability and business support. It is also worth noting that in order to maintain the stability of the Ukrainian economy, a program of relocation of enterprises was introduced by moving business from regions located near or in the war zone to safer regions located in the West of Ukraine. To create jobs through business support, public procurement, construction, lending and employment of the unemployed, the Government has developed a new economic strategy for operating under martial law to achieve pre-war levels of economic development. The implementation of such a strategy is based on a number of programs, in particular: a program of micro-grants for the creation of one's own business, a program of non-refundable grants for the development of processing enterprises, a program in the agricultural sector, a program of grants for planting new fruit and berry gardens, an IT program and other programs. It is appropriate to note that the post-war economic boom in Ukraine is possible only if national economic policy measures are implemented in accordance with a clear and consistent strategy aimed at deregulation of the economy and creation of a favorable investment climate. The main priority of such a strategy should be a change in the directions of the state budget, since the main attention should be focused on the financing of defense programs and the development of the military-industrial complex, including the construction of modern territorial defense systems. Budget funds should be directed to the provision of basic national services in the field of health care and education, as well as to the support of cultural institutions.


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How to Cite
Oneshko, S., Bashlai, S., & Korolenko, O. (2022). FEATURES OF PRESERVING AND MAINTAINING UKRAINE’S ECONOMIC POTENTIAL DURING WAR. Economy and Society, (40). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-40-4