Keywords: quarantine, pandemic, working conditions, conflict of interest, employer and employee


The article examines the factors of influence of the global pandemic of Covid 19 on the deepening of the conflict of interests between Ukrainian employers and employees. During quarantine, not all enterprises can provide workers with stable working conditions and at the same time maintain full wages, which leads to conflicts in the organization and the loss of trust between the employer and employees. An important and topical issue is the prospect of the emergence of new methods for resolving conflicts of interest between economic entities under conditions of adaptive quarantine, which will be based on the principles of business and social partnership. At the same time, it is important to develop such a model of relations between the employer and employees, in which both will be able to maintain financial and psychological stability without destroying stable work relationships. The article analyzes the financial component of conflicts between the employer and employees, which manifests itself in the lack of funds for paying wages, providing a comfortable workplace outside the office and a stable vacation schedule. The social component of conflicts is also analyzed, which manifests itself in a loss of motivation to work, a deterioration in relations between the employer and employees and, as a consequence, a decrease in labor productivity and employees leaving the company. The current challenges of the contradictions of remote provision and provision of working conditions for employees, which are necessary in the modern world of digitalization, are analyzed in particular in detail. In this article, the conflict of interest is considered both on the part of the employer and on the part of the employee, which gives us the opportunity to consider in more detail the causes of the conflict and find the most optimal solution. This article focuses on the losses incurred by the employer for ensuring the conditions of adaptive quarantine, and ensuring the organization of working conditions on a remote basis. Based on the study of factors influencing the conflict of interests between employers and employees, while observing adaptive quarantine in Ukraine, a “conditional” model of working relations for both sides of the economic process is proposed to ensure stable financial and social relationships to maintain the level of quality of working life.


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How to Cite
Petrovska, O., & Brodar, M. (2021). CONFLICT OF INTEREST BETWEEN EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYEES UNDER QUARANTINE. Economy and Society, (23).