Keywords: commercial bank, digitalization, digitalized banking, crowdfunding, cloud banking, blockchain, sharing, open banking


The increase in the number of commercial banks provokes the search for more new ideas for conducting banking business focused on saving money, increasing services, and high-quality, mobile satisfaction of the needs of their own customers. One of the ways to ensure competitive advantage in the realities of the banking business, which is just beginning to develop and gain momentum, is innovation, which has become possible due to digitalization. The article aims to study the impact of digitalized innovations on the banking business, on the evolution of banking services, and to justify one’s own vision of a modern banking institution. In particular, the article explores and summarizes additional opportunities for banking business through the implementation of digital innovations in the activities of banks, such as crowdfunding, cloud banking, blockchain, sharing, open banking. The essence of these innovative technologies and the possibilities of their implementation in the banking business are determined. Obstacles and grounds for the implementation of these innovations in banking are summarized. The impact of these technologies on the banking business and bank customers is determined. There are summarized the main advantages and disadvantages of open banking for banks, their clients, and other entities: startups, fintech companies. There are identified the main advantages and disadvantages of conducting "cloud business" by commercial banks for banks and their customers. Possibilities of realization of experience of innovative banking in the Ukrainian realities are studied. The own vision of a modern commercial bank as a banking based on the synergy of information and banking space focused on the individual client, his or her needs and requests is generalized. We believe that in the future this synergy in the banking business will lead to the evolution of banks by statute, functions, services, tools, products, management, probable risks, and methods of protection against them forming linear links in the client-bank network and will create a new form of banking, which in addition to banking services will provide a wide range of other services not related to finance and tailored to a specific client.


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How to Cite
Drobotya, Y., BrazhnуkL., & Doroshenko, O. (2021). DIGITALIZED INNOVATIONS OF BANKING BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (23).

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