Keywords: a human-oriented approach to enterprise management, managerial potential, managerial potential of the company's staff, management capacity development strategy, financial support, indicators of development of the managerial potential of the enterprise, VRIO analysis


The article contains the results of research on the formation of a new approach to capacity management, taking into account the values of the individual, enterprise, and its units. to the development of the managerial potential of the enterprise. The proposed concept allows identifying the main values for both the company and for each department and specialist. Such principles should be the same for all staff. They are the basis for the professional and personal development of management staff. Components of management capacity are assessed for compliance with certain values and strategic goals of the enterprise. The various components of managerial capacity are closely related on the one hand (primarily through the focus on the management specialist), and on the other hand, have their own characteristics in both planning and implementation. Defining the values of the enterprise, its compliance with strategic goals allows forming a unified system of principles of activity and development of managerial potential. This approach is effective for both professional and personal growth and realization of the potential of management staff. The use of VRIO-analysis, determination of taxonomic indicators, and the method of hierarchies will allow forming strategies for the development of management capacity, a portfolio of projects with the further determination of their financial support. Each component of management potential is focused on the development of staff, the individual, and its development, along with the introduction of innovation, corporate culture, information system, and more. Each component of management capacity has its priority for different stages of enterprise development and the peculiarities of the development of the industry, which belongs to the enterprise and can be assessed by quantitative and qualitative indicators. The development of each component of management capacity should have a positive impact on the development of the enterprise as a whole. The formed concept of the human-oriented value approach to the development of management capacity is the basis for the formation of a system of determinants for assessing the level of development of management capacity for individual components and integrated indicators. At the stage of evaluating the determinants of human-oriented value approach to the development of enterprise management potential and establishing causal links between components, it is necessary to form criteria for establishing causal links between components, as well as strategic goals of enterprise development as a result of its economic activity and development. enterprises as a socio-economic system. The proposed approach allows to form taxonomic indicators for each component of management capacity development and identify the most priority projects for its development. In terms of further research - testing of the proposed approach at the enterprises of Vinnytsia region.


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