Keywords: international trade, trade, export, imports, foreign economic activity, development of international trade


The article highlights the analysis of trade in goods between Ukraine and EU countries; dynamics of export and import were carried out, comparison of trade indicators of Ukraine with individual EU members was carried out. This article describes the functions and significance of international trade, which currently remains the main factor in generating foreign economic relations between countries. Attention is focused on the actualization of problems regarding the need to create appropriate conditions for the effective implementation of international trade regarding its use as a stage of economic development and increasing the economic development of the state. The article conducts a study with the aim of identifying problems and trends in the development of international trade with important partner countries, as well as generating proposals for ensuring its effective development. The highlighted negative trend is not exceptional only for trade with the EU, it is generally included in the general dynamics of Ukraine's foreign trade and cannot be analyzed as the reason for the association agreement with the EU. The analysis of the commodity structure of exports of goods from Ukraine to EU countries and vice versa, the commodity structure of imports into Ukraine from EU countries has been developed. On the basis of the obtained data, it was possible to highlight the factors that generate factors for the development of international trade at the present time. The volumes of export and import and the main indicators of the development of international trade were analyzed. Ways to get rid of negative factors are proposed in order to form positive factors for the development of international trade in the future, which will solve certain issues: to ensure economic growth in Ukraine, to promote the restoration of budget replenishment, to increase the investment attractiveness of the country, to ensure the flow of capital, to get rid of dependence on imports in the domestic market, increase the export of domestic goods and services.


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How to Cite
Havrylyuk, I. (2023). DYNAMICS AND DEVELOPMENT TRENDS OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (47). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-47-33