Keywords: restaurant business, industry competitiveness, leadership, competitiveness factors, competitive advantages


The article is aimed at disclosing the relationship between the term’s «competitiveness» and «leadership» in the sphere of restaurant business, as well as searching for opportunities for their realization in practice. The study of the terms «competitiveness» and «leadership» showed that there is no single interpretation of them. It is determined that the profound political and socio-economic changes taking place in Ukraine in recent years have negatively affected the development of domestic business of all forms of ownership, including the restaurant business. Covid-19 quarantine restrictions, on the one hand, created an array of problem, but, on the other hand, created the basis for reviewing business in terms of innovation. This process also negatively affected competition and leadership in the restaurant business. The term «competitiveness of industry» is investigated and it is found that classified competitive factors are the same at all levels of competition, but they have different weight. Analyzing factors, emphasis was placed on the level of controllability of them, the environment of their functioning and the definition that are most suitable for creating competitive advantages. The conducted study of the term «leadership» gives grounds to identify it with the term «competitive advantages», which depend on the level of development of the triad: leader – team – leader. It is noted that the process of creating competitive advantages is complex and depends on many factors that can grow into advantages. These benefits will show the level of accumulation of certain resources in the economic or organizational spheres of business and will be measured by economic indicators. It is proved that the term «leadership» can be identified with the term «competitive advantages» in the context of availability of certain qualitative parameters that contribute to achieving a proactive position in relation to competitors, including competing enterprises. It is proposed to introduce a culture of leadership (corporate) in three planes: functional, commodity and regional, which will maximally contribute to the development of the restaurant business.


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Lykholat, S., & Hryhoryshak, T. (2023). LEADERSHIP AS A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN THE RESTAURANT BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (53). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-53-45