Keywords: gender, gender equality, labor market, gender gap index, wages


The article examines gender equality in the global labor market. An analysis of current data and research on this topic is provided. The main emphasis is on how women's positions differ from men's positions in the labor market, namely, who is more likely to hold managerial positions, what is the share of employees, what is the difference in wages depending on gender. No country has achieved gender equality, and the COVID-19 crisis threatens to nullify the limited progress made. Decades of action to achieve the goals of sustainable development and efforts to better recover from the pandemic provide a chance to change the lives of women and girls today and tomorrow. The rating of the global gender gap index in 2021 is presented and Ukraine's position in this rating is outlined. Ukraine doesn’t rank high in the ranking of countries with the lowest gender gap index. However, Ukraine is trying to achieve gender parity at the legislative level. And such things must always be supported by the state. The overall increase in the global gender gap is also reflected in the fact that the number of countries with at least a slight improvement is less than the number of countries with lower results. There is analysis of countries by level of education. The results of ILO research on the global attitude of women and men towards women at work are presented. The pay gap between women and men in Ukraine is also shown. Ukrainian society is actively moving away from conservative views on people's gender roles. This can be a key factor in achieving full gender equality. In 2020, Ukraine joined two leading international initiatives, the statutory goal of which is to reduce the gender pay gap. One of the main commitments made by the Government of Ukraine in connection with this accession has been the gradual and systematic reduction of the pay gap between women and men for work of equal value. Gender roles are softened in matters of work. Problematic in this regard are very religious countries, where women still do not have half of the social rights that exist in civilized economically developed countries. Developed developing countries are trying to balance the gender balance at the legislative level, at least in terms of work. Conclusions from this research are made and prospects of further researches are outlined.


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How to Cite
Salo, Y., & Pashuta, D. (2021). ANALYSIS OF GENDER EQUALITY: FOREIGN EXPERIENCE. Economy and Society, (33).