Keywords: standardization, national standardization, international standardization, normative document, standard, quality of service, safety


The article examines theoretical and practical issues of standardization of tourism as a special way to combine different regulations to meet the needs of consumers, taking into account the state security and the interests of tourism industry. It outlines the quality of tourism services in modern conditions, their influence on the creation of a high quality tourist product, defines the conditions under which efficient production activities of modern tourism enterprises are possible, presents the standards in the field of tourism adopted in recent years, and the international standard that sets requirements and recommendations for tourism organizations to prevent the spread of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, to protect employees of travel companies from COVID-19 and provide safer travel services and products for tourists and locals. Emphasis is made on the adoption of the European Tourist Mark COVID-19, which can improve safety procedures in the tourism business and increase the confidence of travelers and tourists who have chosen the EU as a travel destination. Standards in the field of tourism are part of the national standardization system of Ukraine and define the goals and objectives of standardization in tourism, accommodation, basic principles and organization of work, categories of regulations, types of standards and basic provisions for international cooperation. The objectives of standardization in the field of tourism are: to ensure the level of quality and safety of consumption of tourism products or tourism services, which are declared by the manufacturer and protect the interests of consumers of these services from unhealthy competition in the market. It is noted that currently at the national level in the field of tourism in Ukraine there are 43 standards, including 22 state standards of Ukraine (DSTU), 6 interstate standards (GOST) of the CIS countries and 15 international standards. Ukraine's international cooperation in the field of tourism is carried out with the World Organization for Standardization ISO and the European Committee for Standardization CEN. Ukraine's standards are implemented by adapting ISO standards to the system of national legislation. This allows to improve the quality of services in the field of tourism, promote transparency of the permitting and licensing system, effective protection of the rights of consumers of tourist services.


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