Keywords: product quality management system, effectiveness of the quality management system, comprehensive assessment methodology, manufacturer of building products, Harrington's


An efficiently formed quality management system at a manufacturing enterprise leads to the introduction of modern manufacturing methods, improvement of financial and economic performance, and increase in the efficiency of the enterprise's investments, reduction of labor costs, etc. Therefore, studying the existing methods for assessing the efficiency of product quality management systems and adapting the methodology for comprehensive assessment of the efficiency of a quality management system to the needs of the construction industry are relevant. That's why the purpose of the article is to establish a list of group and individual indicators of efficiency of the product quality management system at enterprises of the construction industry and to describe the features of their determination using the method of comprehensive assessment. The modern approaches used to assess the effectiveness of quality management systems at enterprises are analyzed in the article. The expediency of applying an integrated approach to assessing the effectiveness of the product quality management system is substantiated. The methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the product quality management system at enterprises producing construction products provides for an assessment of such components of the quality management system as product quality (quality of raw materials, compliance of finished products with the requirements of standards and technical regulations, product safety, consumer satisfaction to products, availability of certificates for finished products), production quality (technical level of equipment, application of modern manufacturing technology, metrological support, controllability of production processes, level of adaptation to changes in the market environment, minimization of harmful environmental impact, prevention of production losses), organization quality (documentation of processes, quality of management, qualification level of personnel, corporate culture, ISO 9001 certificate, use of innovations in management, relationships with suppliers). This approach allows taking into account the opinion of the company’s personnel on the effectiveness of the quality management system, identifying key problems in the functioning of the quality management system and proposing relevant ways to improve it.


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How to Cite
Mashta, N., Polishchuk, O., & Vasylenko, V. (2023). EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PRODUCT QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT THE ENTERPRISES OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. Economy and Society, (54). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-54-45