Keywords: digital marketing, cement producers, email marketing, SEO optimization, paid online advertising, content marketing, influencer marketing, mobile marketing, SMM marketing


The article analyzes the features of using the main types of digital marketing in the activities of Ukrainian cement producers. An analysis of publications on the allocation of the main channels of digital marketing and the specifics of their application in various industries is carried out. The general trends in the use of such types of digital marketing as email marketing, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, content marketing, influencer marketing, SMM marketing, mobile marketing in the activities of domestic cement producers are highlighted. It has been established that email marketing in the marketing activities of cement producers is an effective tool for maintaining constant contact with customers and personalized communication with different market segments. It is proved that cement producers use websites as the main channel of online communication with consumers, but there are significant problems with the loading speed and lack of unique photo and video content, which negatively affect the user experience. Content marketing as a type of digital marketing in the activities of domestic cement producers confirms its important role in interacting with the audience and building a positive brand image. At the same time, content marketing is focused on communicating information about product specifications, quality, certification, technologies and innovations in the cement production sector. The analysis of the use of SMM marketing showed that cement producers differ in their activity and strategy in social media: cement producers either do not maintain activity in social media at all or use Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to increase their online presence and interaction with customers. Paid online advertising as a component of search engine marketing SEM, influencer marketing and mobile marketing are practically not used in the industry due to the limited cement market and the higher efficiency of traditional marketing methods. In general, cement producers are most active in using email marketing, content marketing and SEO optimization to increase their visibility and build a positive image.


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How to Cite
Benchuk, S., Mashta, N., & Deineha, I. (2023). DIGITAL MARKETING IN THE ACTIVITIES OF CEMENT PRODUCERS. Economy and Society, (56).