Keywords: labor market, employment, digitalization, automation


At the beginning of the 21st millennium, society becomes an active participant and observer of the new dimension of reality, when data about the world, nature, institutions, etc. are transferred to the digital, network plane. One of the main drivers of technological trends that shape the new social and labor reality is the rapid development of a variety of digital technologies. In the process of writing the article were used general and special methods of scientific knowledge: systemic-functional – with the introduction of the theoretical basis of the term "digital transformation", with the development of theoretical aspects in the transformation of the employment market, the process and change of practice modeling – in case of forecasting the evolutionary development of an overrun of the automation process; sociological training – when the nature of the flow of information and communication systems and the automated workflow on the work activity of the workers are determined, with the continued social threats in the new digital economy, with the identified consumption in practitioners with digital novice during the period of dominating for the pressure of digitalization. The development of the world economy is significantly influenced by digitalization and globalization, which contribute to the transformation of social development and the nature of employment and the labor market. Modern information technologies and automated hardware contribute to the radical transformations of the business environment. Knowledge, technology skills, intelligence – have become the main resource for survival in the labor market in the digital age. On the one hand, digital technologies make life easier for humanity, make it easier and faster, also create new jobs and new employment opportunities, on the other hand, it poses global threats to countries with different levels of development. Labor expands the scope of forms of employment, requires constant updating of knowledge and increasing competencies, high willingness to adapt to new conditions and the formation of new regulatory mechanisms for a new type of social and labor relations. The aim of the article is to identify the manifestations of transformations in the labor market caused by the development of digital technologies, study the interpretation of the term "digital transformation", determine the positive and negative effects of automation, develop vectors of public policy to avoid rising unemployment, migration and more. This publication offers different views on the definition of the term "digital transformation", which are described on various Internet resources. In this article, the author focuses on automation as an ambiguous process that affects both the economy as a whole and the social life of workers in the labor market. In general, this work expands and systematizes the idea of digital transformation, provides information about its positive and negative impact on employment and the labor market, providing practical advice to eliminate and correct the threatening consequences for the economy and socio-economic life.


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How to Cite
Cheromukhina, O., Chaliuk, Y., & Kyrylenko, V. (2021). MODERN DIMENSION OF THE LABOR MARKET IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITALIZATION . Economy and Society, (34).