Keywords: decentralization, experience of European countries, local budget revenues, financial support, functions and powers


In the current conditions of the functioning of the economy, in the course of European integration and the decentralization processes that have begun in the country, the importance of local self-government is increasing. It becomes the basis for ensuring the development of territorial communities. Particularly relevant are the following issues: filling local budgets with revenues in the amounts that will ensure the fulfillment by local authorities of the functions assigned to them; adequate financing of social and economic programs; creation of prerequisites for improving the quality of life of the population. The article is devoted to topical issues of implementation of decentralization reform in Ukraine based on the study of European experience. It has been determined that the current state of reform in Ukraine is characterized by a number of unresolved issues. They relate primarily to the sphere of financial support for the functioning of local self-government. They also generate risks of proper fulfillment by local authorities of the powers assigned to them. The article is aimed at analyzing the processes of decentralization in Ukraine on the basis of using the European experience of generating revenues of local budgets. In the figures, on the example of the newly created society, the results of the decentralization reform in the form of quantitative and qualitative filling of budgets are established. Step-by-step actions of the authorities to eliminate shortcomings in the unqualified performance of their powers are noted. The benefits of decentralization reform, which respond positively to the results of the formation of budgets at the level of territorial communities, are not final. The question of the qualifications of local authorities to perform these functions at a high level with a growing funding base remains critical. The solution to this issue is also in the plane of studying the European experience and the direct participation of representatives of this community. Long-term steps taken by the state in the field of increasing human resources of state and local authorities should be defined as a driving force for the successful implementation of the decentralization reform in Ukraine. Its effectiveness can be assessed through financial stability and security of local budgets, socio-economic development of territories and community satisfaction with the quality of public goods.


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How to Cite
Yushko, S., Aleksieienko, I., & Kryvoruchko, O. (2021). EXPERIENCE OF DECENTRALIZATION OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES FOR UKRAINE IN FIGURES. Economy and Society, (34). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-34-86

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