Keywords: foreign trade, export, import, investment cooperation, trade and investment relations


The article is devoted to the study of the development of trade and investment relations of Ukraine with EU member states. The current state of economic cooperation between Ukraine and the EU is analyzed by studying the dynamics of their foreign trade in goods and services. The dynamics of foreign trade turnover of goods of Ukraine with EU member states, volumes of their exports and imports are determined. The share of EU in exports and imports of Ukrainian goods and general trends in trade in goods between Ukraine and EU member states are studied. The main commodity categories of Ukrainian exports and imports in Ukraine's trade with EU member states are presented. The leaders among EU member states in terms of exports from Ukraine and imports to Ukraine are identified. The dynamics of the volume of foreign trade turnover of services of Ukraine with the EU member states, volumes of their exports and imports are studied. The share of the EU in exports and imports of services of Ukraine and general trends in trade in services between Ukraine and EU member states are determined. The main categories of services exported from Ukraine to the EU and imported from the EU to Ukraine are presented. The leaders among the EU member states in terms of exports from Ukraine and imports of services to Ukraine are listed. The volumes of accumulated foreign direct investment (share capital) in Ukraine are studied. The largest investors of Ukraine among EU member states and their share in the total amount of accumulated foreign direct investment (share capital) are identified. The volumes of foreign direct investment (share capital) from Ukraine to EU member states are analyzed and it is determined where most foreign direct investments (share capital) come from Ukraine. Priority areas for intensifying foreign trade are presented, which will help to strengthen Ukraine's trade relations with EU member states, increase their mutual trade and deepen trade cooperation. Ukraine's investment opportunities and investment attractiveness factors that will contribute to the deepening of investment cooperation between Ukraine and EU member states are identified.


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How to Cite
Serdyukov, K., & Ekzarkhova, E. (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE AND INVESTMENT RELATIONS OF UKRAINE WITH EU MEMBER STATES. Economy and Society, (34).