Keywords: control, audit, agriculture, agro-industrial complex, state regulation, subject of control, object of control


The agro-industrial sector plays an important role in the socio-economic life of the country, has a unique combination of favorable climatic conditions and geostrategic position, which gives Ukraine the opportunity to occupy an important place in the international food market. For effective development of agricultural production, our country has everything you need prerequisites: strong production and resource potential, strong labor resources, the availability of favorable natural and climatic conditions for effective conducting agrarian business. The resource potential of agricultural enterprises is far from exhausted, state financial support in the field of agriculture remains relevant and requires constant improvement of its mechanisms. For Ukraine, the agro-industrial complex is a strategic activity. Taking into account the global processes of rising food prices products, agricultural business is becoming extremely promising and attractive. An important role in the effective implementation of agricultural activities is carried out by state control, with the help of regulatory instruments by various executive bodies. The article presents the interpretation of scientists on the content and role of state control. Aspects of agricultural sector control have been studied and the range of control subjects has been identified. It is determined that the measures of state control of agricultural enterprises are aimed at creating a competitive environment and development of entrepreneurship in this area, and on the other hand, to ensure social protection. The content of powers and tasks of control by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre and the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, the State Tax Service, the State Audit Service of Ukraine. Proposals were made to improve the current system of control of agricultural enterprises in the areas of forming a single regulation of state control, systematization of executive bodies in order to avoid duplication or conflict of powers and determine acceptable forms of state control of agricultural enterprises.


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How to Cite
Edynak, T., & Zdoryk, A. (2022). STATE CONTROL AND AUDIT IN AGRICULTURE IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (35).