Keywords: commerce, commercial activity, trade, entrepreneurship, commercial entrepreneurship, marketing, business management


The article is devoted to the study of the concept of commercial activity, identification of its specific characteristics and features of management in modern conditions. The concepts of business, entrepreneurship, commerce, marketing, sales in their close relationship are described. The relationship between the concepts of commercial activity and trade is studied, it was found that commerce is a much broader concept, characterizing the expanded sphere of activity of enterprises, which is focused on the organization of processes of purchase and sale of goods and services. The approaches of scientists to the interpretation of the concept of commercial activity are analyzed: some scientists generally characterize commercial activity as an operational and organizational activity (system of measures, processes), others emphasize the close connection with commodity-money exchange. It is determined that almost all researchers agree that commercial activities involve the implementation of processes and operations in the field of trade, considering the needs of consumers. The essence and content of the concept of commercial activity are specified with the separation of its specific characteristics. Commercial activity is characterized as a set of processes of organization and management of commercial relations, providing different stages of commodity-money exchange, to meet public demand, as well as to ensure the effectiveness of such exchange. Significant factors influencing the effectiveness of the organization and implementation of commercial activities in modern economic conditions: the formation of post-industrial society, active implementation of digital innovations in business, global market processes, as well as integration processes in trade, coronavirus crisis. Features of business management under modern business conditions are described. The principles of effective management of commercial activities in the direction of targeting and ensuring the flexibility of commercial activities, continuous monitoring of commercial risks, initiative in decision-making, active use of marketing tools to achieve business goals are outlined.


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How to Cite
Prychepa, I., Lesko, O., & Horenko, R. (2022). ON THE ISSUE OF COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY: CONCEPTS, FACTORS OF INFLUENCE, FEATURES OF MANAGEMENT UNDER MODERN CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (35). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-35-39