Keywords: social capital, banking institution, trust, reputation, goodwill, social responsibility of business


The article is devoted to the characteristics of the social capital of a banking institution. The analysis of researches of scientists in a part of semantic filling of a category "social capital" is carried out, existence of problems of its estimation and reflection in system of accounting is revealed. It is substantiated that banks, having an arsenal of sufficient funds for the effective formation of social capital, can consider it through the prism of key characteristics in terms of social, public work. The availability of sufficient social capital provides the bank with the opportunity to generate additional value in the form of goodwill and significantly improve the financial performance of its work. It is possible to assess the social capital of a banking institution by individual components that characterize it. These include: training of employees, staff training, provision and implementation of social guarantees, decent wages, compliance with the code of ethics, combating bribery, maintaining close ties with bank customers, participation in social projects, programs, the bank's work with other financial institutions , which allows you to expand the range of services and interest customers in banking products and more. As the components of social capital may be reflected in different items in the financial statements, it is appropriate to provide information on the social capital of the bank as a whole in the non-financial statements. This submission does not contradict the requirements of regulations governing the submission of reports by banking institutions. In particular, the social component of the banking business, which will characterize the adequacy of the bank's social capital, can be stated in the management report, which contains a separate section for providing such information. This presentation of information to external users allows you to assess the work of the banking institution and, if sufficient, significantly increase the value of the bank's shares and strengthen the institution's position in the banking market. In general, social capital is a promising resource, and therefore it should be accumulated and developed to obtain future economic benefits.


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How to Cite
Melnychuk, I., & Lopatovska, O. (2022). CONTENT OF THE BANK’S SOCIAL CAPITAL: ACCOUNTING ASPECT. Economy and Society, (36).