• Svitllana Cherkasova Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • Liubov Medvid Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • Nataliia Mitsenko Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: credit unions, pawnshops, financial companies, loans, credit products, lending activity


The activity of such non-bank credit institutions in Ukraine as credit unions, pawnshops and financial companies is considered in article. It is emphasized that the purpose of lending activities for these institutions is different. Credit unions are non-profit financial institutions. The lending activities of these institutions are aimed at issuing cheap loans to their members. Pawnshops and financial companies, on the other hand, aim to generate high income from lending. Despite high interest rates, lending activities of financial companies and pawnshops are developing very rapidly in the country. The credit products of these institutions are short-term, expensive and easier to obtain compared to bank loans. Protection of property rights of recipients of such loans is insufficient in Ukraine. It is noted that the strengthening of the regulator's requirements for the activities of non-bank credit institutions has led to the purification of the credit services market from inactive participants. It was emphasized that further development of lending activities in the non-banking financial sector requires improvement of its state regulation. There is a need for more reliable protection of borrowers from the state and increase their financial literacy.


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How to Cite
Cherkasova, S., Medvid, L., & Mitsenko, N. (2022). ANALYSIS OF CREDIT ACTIVITY OF NON-BANKING FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. Economy and Society, (36).