Keywords: human resources, labor force, able-bodied population, unemployment, labor migration


The article is aimed at analyzing modern problems of human resources development at the level of the world economy and identifying possible ways to solve them. The article is devoted to topical issues of human resources use associated with population growth, employment problems and unemployment. This situation is caused by the reduction of production or the closure of many firms due to the coronavirus pandemic, the disappearance of some professions and the emergence of others, new technologies and production robotics, and an increase in the requirements for the competitiveness of the labor force in the global labor market. To analyze modern problems of human resource development, the authors used the following methods of research: scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, comparison, statistic assessments. The study identified the main problems faced by a significant part of able-bodied citizens in new market conditions of management, which are constantly changing: the reduction of production and the closure of many firms due to the coronavirus pandemic, the disappearance of some professions and the emergence of others, the increase in requirements for the competitiveness of the labor force in the global labor market. In the context of structural and technological restructuring of the economy, labor is released, the production of low-skilled workers and carriers of outdated professions is forced out of the production process, and the requirements for the quality of the labor force increase. Many workers may lose their jobs because they will be replaced by jobs. The authors determined that in order to ensure productive employment and increase the role and importance of employees in improving production efficiency, it becomes necessary to hire personnel adapted to the requirements of modern technologies, which respond quite flexibly to professional changes. Professionals of the future will have to develop new skills and gain different competencies than those possessed by modern specialists. Human resource management should be aimed at increasing the level of employment, quality and competitiveness of the workforce in the global labor market.


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How to Cite
Pikulyk, O., & Vlasyuk, N. (2022). PROBLEMS OF HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN THE MODERN MARKET ECONOMY . Economy and Society, (35).