Keywords: grading, grading system, salary grading system, stages of grading system construction, Hay Guide Chart Profile Method


The article considers the option of using grading in the system of remuneration of the management staff of small and medium-sized businesses. Peculiarities and development tendencies of HR management processes of modern companies engaged in Internet marketing are studied. The authors state that there is an urgent need for an objective system of basic salaries, which should focus on the in-company value of a position, take into account the specialist’s market value, motivate employees to improve their professionalism, be flexible, transparent, have a single mechanism for determining and changing salaries. Grading belongs to that sort of a system. Grading involves grouping positions following specific criteria to standardize corporate salary. Grading is applied in various types of business. The article examines the possibility and feasibility of implementing grading in digital companies. The authors describe the mechanism of job evaluation following the HayGroup method, which is a basis for the construction of a grade chart and salary range. It is provided the algorithm for the introduction of a salary grade scale and a detailed description of each stage of its introduction. There are five main criteria for job evaluation: professional knowledge in the subject area, complexity and diversity, interaction skills, problem-solving abilities, and responsibility. Evaluation criteria in a digital agency should be rather personal and specialized than formal and generalized. All stages and activities result in a single grade chart of the digital agency. It is shown that grading in Internet marketing is an effective system that combines methods of analysis, job evaluation and description, and ways to form job requirements. The introduction of a grading system will improve the staff’s motivation, as an employee strives for efficiency by focusing on the corporate system of career values created by job ranking. The system is transparent and allows the employee to find out how much he “costs” and what can be done to increase his own value.


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How to Cite
Kramarenko, A., & Vyshnevska, M. (2022). APPLICATION OF GRADING PAYMENT SYSTEM IN DIGITAL-AGENCY. Economy and Society, (36).