Keywords: tourism, safety, entrepreneurship, business, innovations


Relevance of research. Considering the investigation of activity condition and development of tourist enterprises in Ukraine, a deficient level of investigation by the means of tourist enterprises regardingly the issue concerning organization of entrepreneurial activity safety and absence of concrete proposals on improvement of their activity on the basis of business-processes optimization has been established. This fact is explained by the lack of knowledge of this issue and indicates the relevance of this topic. The purpose of the article – studying the conceptual framework for the organization of safety of business activities in tourism. Methodological basis of the research was based on the basic positions and developments of domestic and foreign scientists on practical aspects of creating and improving economic and management activities of tourist enterprises, In particular in the sphere of development of innovative forms of management and personal assessments of the authors. The methods of analytics, comparison, economic analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, etc. were used. Results. The article considers the issues on the organization of security of business activities in tourism. The objectives, the essence and importance of the process of organizing security of enterprise activity in tourism on the basis of optimization of business processes have been defined. The terms and factors through which business processes are being implemented in the tourism enterprise were established. The key indicators of business security based on the improvement of business processes were identified. Practical implications. On the basis of a critical analysis of indicators of implementation of business process in the activities of tourism enterprises the key parameters of security, which characterize its level and indicate the necessity to improve the existing business processes, were determined. The peculiarities of the organization of security of business activities in tourism on the basis of using the principles of optimization of business processes has been accentuated. Value (originality). Organizational safety of enterprise activities in tourism is based on the principles of optimization of business processes and is implemented on the basis of the objective of the process: The components that regulate the activities of the enterprise; identification of the role and tasks of the process participants; criteria for evaluating the system of business processes; development of proposals for the improvement of the business process.


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KozhukhіvskaR. (2022). ORGANIZATION OF SAFETY OF BUSINESS ACTIVITIES IN TOURISM. Economy and Society, (36).