Keywords: local history sightseeing activities, excursions, ideology, Soviet propaganda, Society proletarian tourism and excursions, tour of exhibition and museum-section


The article on the basis of the analysis of literary sources considers the development of local history and excursion activities in Ukraine in the 20s of the twentieth century. The role of local history and excursion work in the spread of Soviet ideology is analyzed. It is stated that excursions were widely used in the educational process of the new labor school and in extracurricular education. They were given great importance as an effective means of proletarian education and communist education of the population. At the same time, excursions were considered as a method of expanding and consolidating knowledge, as a form of research work, as a means of studying living conditions. The task was to use excursions as a constant form of mass in-depth work, to prevent occasional and episodic excursions to move to cyclical, systematic. Propaganda through excursions in the general system of ideological work of the 1920s in Ukraine can be represented by a scheme: ideological work – ideological and practical agitation-excursion propaganda. It is shown that in order to propagate the ideas of the communist children's movement, the All-Ukrainian Society for the Promotion of "Young Spartacus" was founded, whose branches actively used excursions as an effective means of political education. The author describes the activities of the All-Ukrainian Society of Proletarian Tourism and Excursions in the Spread of Soviet Ideology. It is alleged that the Society submitted a report to the NKVD on its special and administrative and economic activities and, with its permission, held congresses and conferences. In its practical work, it was guided by the slogans that the excursion business – a form of class struggle, the leader of the Communist Party and the Soviet government, which forms the face of the new man. The author concludes that excursion work was defined as one of the main in the network of political education and upbringing of the population and occupied an important place in the cultural construction of the country. Local history and excursion business provided mass and was aimed at restructuring the consciousness of the population on a communist basis. The state authorities supported the local history and excursion business as an active form of mass in-depth propaganda work.


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