Keywords: walnut, nut oil, farms, processing, efficiency, development


The volumes of growing nuts in Ukraine were studied and insignificant areas of plantations were noted. It is determined that the cultivation and processing of walnuts is currently underdeveloped, especially in farms, due to the rather high investment of financial resources. It was stated that Ukraine has favorable natural conditions for growing walnuts and even with minimal investment in this industry occupies a leading position in the world in production and exports. It is argued that the development of growing and processing of walnuts should be carried out according to an algorithm that will include the creation of design estimates for the needs of individual farms, taking into account the focus on growing or production and processing of nuts; amendments to the legislation in the field of providing additional subsidies to support nuts; creation of craft productions on the basis of farms for processing grown nuts into finished products under their own brands and establishing cooperation between farmers and trade networks in the field of selling craft products. It is proved that the development of walnut cultivation should be focused on the creation of craft industries on the basis of farms. Which will increase the profitability of the respective formations. It was stated that additional subsidies from the state budget to support nut growing are needed to intensify the relevant processes. An algorithm has been developed that will give an impetus to the development of horticulture on farms and provide the population with competitive products in the form of nut products. It is stated that the implementation of the developed algorithm for the development of processing and processing of walnuts will allow: providing the confectionery industry with high quality and relatively inexpensive raw materials; creation of highly profitable business in rural areas, which, in turn, will promote the development of rural areas; meeting the needs of consumers in organic food (nut oil, pasta, etc.); will give impetus to the development of nuts, which is more profitable and less dependent on external factors compared to the cultivation of oilseeds and cereals.


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