Keywords: accounting and analytical support, strategic goals, digital economy


The paper studies the features of accounting and analytical support for the implementation of strategic goals of the enterprise in a digital economy. It is established that digitalization is defined as an activity based on innovation, more precisely, on information technology. It is determined that scientists understand the concept of "accounting and analytical support" as a conceptual model, which consists of interrelated accounting and analytical procedures and is used to secure the management of the enterprise with the necessary information. The essence of the concept of digital strategy, which is defined as the application of digital technologies to business models for the formation of new differentiated business opportunities. It is established that most often the digital strategy involves changing the business model, as new technologies allow the company to provide services that were previously impossible. It is determined that the main trend of the modern digital economy is the transition to a "model of sustainable development, which takes into account economic, social and environmental components." It is established that for management purposes accounting and analytical information should include the necessary components for all managed parameters, ie its volume should be sufficient to understand and make management decisions to implement strategic goals of the enterprise in the digital economy. It is determined that accounting and analytical information should be simple in form, not too cumbersome or limited, which characterizes its optimality. It is established that the accounting and analytical information should be received as soon as possible and constantly updated, ie was operational. As a result of the study it was found that the system of accounting and analytical support for the strategic goals of the enterprise in the digital economy should be considered as a unity of accounting and analysis subsystems interacting through information flows in the formation and transmission of operational and quality accounting and analytical information. and the effectiveness of management decisions to implement the strategic goals of the enterprise.


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