Keywords: social protection, social policy, pensioners, large families, low-income, state, subsistence level


The article is devoted to topical issues of the social protection system of the most vulnerable segments of the population in Ukraine. Improving the social protection system of the most vulnerable sections of the population in Ukraine is a strategically important task facing the government. In our country, the problems of social protection of the most vulnerable segments of the population are very acute. All this is connected with the socio-economic situation in the country. In the conditions of modern social development there is a need to improve the system of social protection in Ukraine. After all, in our country a large part of the population is socially vulnerable and the most vulnerable, they include: retirees, low-income and large families, single mothers, people with special needs and many others. The essence of the system of social protection of the most vulnerable segments of the population is revealed. The main functional features of the social protection system are analyzed. It should be noted that the purpose of social protection is to provide qualified assistance to a person or group of persons who have experienced certain social risks and to provide them with the necessary conditions for life and development. The mechanisms of creation and implementation of social benefits are described. Social security means the practice and implementation of those guarantees provided by the state, ie the payment of pensions, benefits, services and more. Social security is able to regulate the living standards of the population and is designed to provide social assistance and support in various forms funded by the state. Social policy in the system of social protection of the most vulnerable segments of the population is revealed. The ultimate goal of social protection of the most vulnerable categories of the population is to ensure their rights and freedoms, the implementation of social support at the subsistence level, which enable a person to develop freely. The way of formation of our state as sovereign and independent is accompanied by aggravation of old and creation of new social problems. The crisis, political uncertainty and many other factors have affected and continue to affect the rapid decline in the level of moral and material condition of our society, and especially people who are in a difficult situation and need government support.


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