Keywords: costs, marketing communications, documentation, budget, advertising


The topic of the article was the coverage of the accounting support of the system of formation of costs for marketing communications of the enterprise in the process of business management. It is proved that the effective use of marketing communications helps to achieve the main goal of the enterprise – the creation of product, technological or service value that meets the needs of consumers and, consequently, profit. The purpose of the study is to generalize the methodological principles for the formation of costs for marketing communications, taking into account the peculiarities of production activities of enterprises and the functioning of the modern economic sector of Ukraine. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is a comprehensive study of the organization of accounting and documentation of the management system of marketing communications in the process of risk management by the business entity. We have substantiated that the costs of marketing communications that arise during the advertising process in the enterprise can be considered in two ways, namely: the cost of organizing the advertising process in the enterprise; costs of manufacturing / ordering and placing a certain type of advertising products. The paper substantiates that the formation of a system of documenting the costs incurred is an important issue. In general, documents on the cost of marketing communications can be divided into the following groups: planning, administrative, regulatory documents at the local level, primary and reporting. It is proposed to include the Budget of advertising expenses in the group of planning documents; to administrative – Order or instruction of the head of the enterprise for advertising activities; to normative documents of local level – the Agreement with the distributor of advertising and advertising agency; to the primary – Report on the use of funds provided for business trips or under the report, the act of work performed, invoice or bill of lading, tax invoice, payment order, income order, debit note, invoice; to reporting – Report on promotional activities. This will allow to form a holistic system of integrated accounting and analytical support of the management system in order to assess the cost of marketing communications for financial performance. The practical significance of the results is that the implementation of the proposals submitted in the work will ensure transparency in the management of marketing communications of enterprises and will create an effective information system that will help management at various levels to obtain timely data for strategic and operational decisions.


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How to Cite
HladiiІ., & Maister, L. (2022). EXPENDITURE ON MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ENTERPRISE IN TODAY’S CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (39). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-39-57