Keywords: enterprise, echnological change, technological development, market value, capitalization, financial and economic result


The purpose of this study is to develop methodological principles for taking into account the impact of technological change on increasing the market capitalization of enterprises. The urgency of the topic is due to the fact that the growth of market value of economic entities is an important criterion for improving their performance. In turn, the main directions of such improvement in the current conditions of economic development include the implementation of progressive technological changes in enterprises. To achieve the goal and solve the objectives of the study the following general and special methods were used: theoretical generalization – in developing a methodological approach to estimating the market value of enterprises; modeling – when developing a model of such assessment; grouping – when dividing technological changes that occur in enterprises into groups on various grounds; abstraction – in establishing the main factors that affect the market value of enterprises, etc. It is shown that technological changes under certain conditions may be an effective means of increasing the market capitalization of enterprises. The main types of technological changes that occur in enterprises are identified. The possibility of combining revenue, comparative and cost approaches to determine the market value of the company. This combination is based on the calculation of the values of the adjustment factor of the actual value of the company's profit, the highest level of profitability of assets of enterprises in the industry and the total current initial value of assets of the assessed enterprise. It was found that the impact of technological changes on the market capitalization of enterprises is carried out primarily through indicators of income, expenses and investment. The model which considers the specified influence is constructed. A method of choosing the best option for technological change, taking into account their impact on the market capitalization of economic entities. It is shown that this choice depends, among other things, on the residual value of those fixed assets that will need to be decommissioned. The results of the study may be applied in the practice of economic activity of enterprises in the process of drawing up programs for their technological development. This will improve the soundness of these programs and, as a result, increase the financial and economic results of their implementation.


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Yemelyanov O., Symak A., Petrushka T., Vovk O., Ivanytska O., Symak D., Havryliak A., Danylovych T., Lesyk L. Criteria, Indicators and Factors of the Sustainable Energy Saving Economic Development: the Case of Natural Gas Consumption [Online]. Energies. 2021. Vol. 14(18). DOI: (accessed 29 May 2022).

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