Keywords: media, concentration, media corporations, media pluralism, indicators of media concentration, information provision


Concentration in the media industry is characterized as a complex dynamic phenomenon. Concentration usually leads to distortion of competition and oppression of the rights of other market participants. However, in the media industry, the consequence of concentration is also the limitation of pluralism, the strengthening of self-censorship, the growth of political power, the weakening of public control and the deterioration of the business climate. If the financial dependence of the media on the owner increases, this leads to a decrease in the competitiveness of the media enterprise. In the conditions of the war in Ukraine, significant problems of all types of media are the limitation of resource capabilities and a decrease in commercial income, which can lead to an increase in the influence of owners or sponsors. Therefore, the issue of media concentration, its diagnosis and the formation of effective measures of legal regulation are relevant. The purpose of the work is to analyze the modern typology of the concept of "media concentration", approaches and indicators for assessing the degree of concentration, and to identify the problems of such an assessment in the domestic media industry. The methods of analysis and synthesis, classification, systematization and grouping, comparison were used for the research. A typology of media concentration is proposed, which is characterized by the results of the functioning of the main participants in the media environment: ownership, market, audience, journalistic and political concentration. Prerequisites for intensification and slowing down of media concentration processes are revealed. The grouping of indicators and research methods used to evaluate media concentration has been carried out. The problems of research methodology formation in modern conditions are characterized, including the incompleteness of statistical and market data; the specifics of forming an online environment in the media, expanding the list of indicators. The results of the study can be used for the formation of a comprehensive methodology for the study of media concentration and the development of practical measures for the legal regulation of the media industry.


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How to Cite
Sukhorukova, O., & Kvasko, A. (2022). STATUS AND FEATURES OF CONCENTRATION RESEARCH IN THE MEDIA INDUSTRY. Economy and Society, (39).