Keywords: profit, level of profitability, income from sales, cost of pharmaceutical products, dynamics


Today, every pharmaceutical company faces the problem of improving the efficiency of its activities. The intensification of competition, the specifics of pharmaceutical products, increasing requirements for its quality on the part of consumers actualizes the task of reducing the level of total costs. In the current conditions of Ukraine's existence, when the world was shaken by the pandemic caused by COVID-19 and the war started by the Russian aggressor in Ukraine, there are many business challenges both in our country and in the whole world. At the forefront of the above fronts are the pharmaceutical industry, for which these force majeure circumstances have created unforeseen risks and at the same time have become a driving force for finding innovative ways for self-development. The authors of the article aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the pharmaceutical industry over the past ten years to form a vision of trends in the further development of the pharmaceutical business in Ukraine. To achieve this goal, the materials of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine were used using such methods as time series analysis, comparative, graphical and calculation-analytical methods of analysis. The results of this study will form the basis for further development of the methodology for implementing the profit management system in the pharmaceutical industry. As a result of the study, we see a clear trend towards increasing the level of profitability and profitability of the pharmaceutical industry over the past decade. At the same time, in the domestic pharmaceutical industry the tendency to increase costs by UAH 1 is intensifying finished goods, which reduces the profits of the pharmaceutical company, which in modern conditions of intensification of competition in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine and the need for transition of enterprises to international quality standards is the main source of their socio-economic development. Thus, in Ukraine the volumes of production and sales of products produced by the pharmaceutical industry have a positive trend. But it is the retail segment in the pharmaceutical industry of our country, which plays a key role in providing the population with pharmaceutical products, is at the stage of formation and development. Due to this, the pharmaceutical industry is one of the most promising industries in Ukraine, which has a positive dynamic of development.


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How to Cite
Shostak, L., Moskalenko, V., & Moskalenko, B. (2021). ANALYSIS OF PROFITABILITY TRENDS OF PHARMACEUTICAL BUSINESS ENTITIES IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (39).