Keywords: state financial and economic security, national economic interests, management mechanism of financial and economic security, structure of the mechanism, management functions strategy of national financial and economic security


For the modern economic development of Ukraine as an independent state, its establishment as a subject of the international economic community is extremely important, especially important issues are ensuring sustainable socio-economic development, improving living standards, forming a mechanism to counter internal and external threats. Thus, the basis for the effective development of Ukraine's economy is to ensure its financial and economic security, which is a reliable basis for the development of entrepreneurship, manufacturing and services in the country. The purpose of this article is to develop a conceptual framework for the mechanism of state financial and economic security. The article clarifies the concept of "mechanism for managing the state financial and economic security", defines its essence and purpose. The structure of the financial and economic security management mechanism is proposed and the essence of its elements is revealed. The directions of the national economic policy and strategic tasks of ensuring the economic security of the state are determined; The principles and main functions of the financial and economic security management mechanism are analyzed. Scientific research has identified ways to integrate theoretical generalizations into the modern mechanism of management of state financial and economic security and identify the main problems of its provision. Thus, for the implementation of the regulatory mechanism to ensure financial and economic security, it is necessary to overcome some legal, structural and organizational, procedural, personnel, technological and resource issues. The proposed mechanism contributes to the implementation of the regulatory function in the system of financial and economic security of the state to ensure security. The success of ensuring protection against threats and challenges depends on how effectively these components of the mechanism will function. Thus, the mechanism of management of financial and economic security of the state includes elements that are united by a common goal, and a characteristic feature of their totality is the relationship and interaction. Coordinated interaction of all elements of the mechanism of financial and economic security management will ultimately guarantee the effective functioning of the entire national economy and its economic growth.


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