Keywords: competition, competitiveness, factors, environment


The article states that in the conditions of a significant decrease in the pace of financial and economic activity, which was initially associated with quarantine restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and with the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine starting from February 24, 2022, and which significantly have affected the domestic economy, the problem of forming the competitiveness of enterprises becomes of the primary importance. Achieving a high level of enterprise competitiveness is being considered as a problem of development and improvement, the solution of which is provided by the introduction and implementation of technological (production, subject) and management innovations. Today, economic activity in our country is being carried out by enterprises of the traditional type of financial and economic activity and innovation-oriented ones. The implementation of technological innovations by traditional and innovation-oriented enterprises is aimed at obtaining such competitive advantages as: reducing the costs of business activity; increase in labour productivity; increasing the speed of designing and forming a new market offer of goods, works and services. The implementation of management innovations is a less resource-intensive process, so it is a less expensive way for traditional enterprises to manage competitiveness. The implementation of management innovations by traditional and innovation-oriented enterprises is aimed at obtaining such competitive advantages as: increasing the efficiency of management decisions; increasing the adaptability of enterprises; organizational structuring of business processes, their transparency and comprehensibility; increasing the speed of management of external and internal communications at the enterprise; ensuring customization of the production process (increasing customer orientation of production activities). The employment of the cluster approach to the organization of a strategic alliance of innovation-oriented enterprises, based on the integration of enterprises with great intellectual potential and human capital, with other enterprises recognized as points of economic growth (the basis) of the regional cluster. The assessment of the synergistic effect of such interaction is determined by the increase in the level of competitiveness of the cluster formation participants. The synergistic effect in a regional cluster of an innovation-oriented enterprise is achieved only under the condition that both competitive advantages and management innovations themselves spread in the cluster.


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How to Cite
Grischenko, I., Grinchuk, T., & Ciganchuk, V. (2022). METHODS OF FORMATION OF COMPETITIVENESS OF ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (39).