Keywords: financial security, financial stability, enterprise, increase of financial security level


The relevance of the study is due to the need for a comprehensive study of financial stability and security of the enterprise, identifying factors (threats and dangers) that lead to the loss of financial stability and security in order to select and justify solutions to this trend. Confirm the relationship between the financial stability of the enterprise and other financial categories: financial security, flexibility, stability, balance. The article assesses financial stability as a factor of financial security, identifies the place and role of financial stability in financial security, considers the factors influencing the financial stability of the enterprise. It is established that ensuring the appropriate level of financial security of the enterprise depends on the established concept of financial security management, which should include the following sequence of stages: analysis of financial condition and development of methodological tools for assessing financial security; systematization of risks, challenges, destructive factors and threats to the financial security of the enterprise; development of a strategy and mechanism for managing the financial security of the enterprise, which aims to minimize or eliminate negative processes that interfere with the normal financial and economic activities of the enterprise and promote stable economic growth; assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the concept of financial security management of the enterprise and adjustment of tactics and strategy of financial security management, in accordance with changes in environmental conditions. A direct relationship between the level of financial security, methods of financing the enterprise and economic security in general in the context of dynamic changes in market conditions. The need to create safe conditions for the development of enterprises, to improve and use tools, methods, mechanisms for managing, achieving and maintaining the financial security of economic entities is justified. High-quality mastery of financial security diagnostics by managers of all levels of the company is an integral part of their training.


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