Keywords: quality of higher education, higher education quality assurance, higher education institutions, human resources, personnel policy


The article is devoted to the study of the personnel aspect of higher education quality assurance. The study is based on a systematic approach, methods of analysis, induction, deduction, and classification. Higher education quality assurance is an important task for any state in conditions of transition to a new economy. The labor market today needs employees who are ready for the challenges of the modern changing world. Only higher education institutions that provide the required quality of their services are able to train such specialists. The quality of higher education depends on the interaction of many factors, but the personnel aspect plays a particularly important role in its assurance. It is the human resources of a higher education institution that create the semantic content of the educational program and have a significant impact on the applicant's perception of the environment in which it is implemented. The purpose of the article is to study the personnel aspect of higher education quality assurance. The article defines the role of the quality of education in the competitiveness of a modern higher education institution. The essence of the category "quality of education" in the interpretation of ESG-2015 is considered. The analysis of the existing system of education quality assurance in Ukraine has been carried out. The internal and external systems for ensuring the quality of education are considered. The role and regulatory framework for the functioning of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance have been studied. The role of human resources in the procedure for assessing the quality of educational programs is determined. The participation of various groups of human resources of a higher education institution in its services quality assurance is described. It has been determined that the quality of higher education is the result of the synergy of the activities of all employees of the institution involved in the provision of the services. As part of the personnel policy, a set of measures has been proposed that will contribute to higher education institution services quality assurance. Conclusions are drawn about the importance of these measures in the system of personnel policy of a higher education institution.


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How to Cite
Riazanov, M. (2022). PERSONNEL ASPECT OF EDUCATION QUALITY ASSURANCE. Economy and Society, (42).