Keywords: strategic potential, educational sector, global challenges, factors


The article considered the strategic potential in the management system of the educational sector. The main tools of strategic management were analyzed. The model of the relationship between the components of the subsystem of regulation and management in the educational field was illustrated. The main mission of the educational sector was defined. The main factors for changing and increasing the strategic potential of the educational sector were listed. The main needs for the educational sector in the conditions of the European vector of development were highlighted. The concept of "Education" was defined. The main areas of strategic potential in the field of education were highlighted. The positive consequences to which measures for the development of strategic potential will lead were listed. Negative trends in the education sector that need to be overcome have been identified. The main opportunities that will arise during the implementation of transformational processes in the educational sphere were considered. The main factors that depend on the solution of tasks that will ensure the development of the strategic potential of the educational sector, especially in the conditions of global challenges, were listed. The influence of investment processes in the educational sector was analyzed. The term "Investment Process" was defined. The importance of innovative processes in the educational field was determined. The priority tasks of the process of ensuring the system of strategic management of education in the conditions of global challenges were listed. The classification features of influencing factors on the strategic potential of the educational sector were given. Meso-level factors that affect the possibility and effectiveness of realizing the strategic potential of the educational sector were determined. The relationship between strategic potential and the management system in the educational sector was illustrated. the system of models of formation of the potential of the educational sector in the conditions of global challenges is also illustrated. The factors that depend on the strategic possibility of potential formation in the educational field were analyzed. Conclusions were given regarding the strategic potential in the management system of the educational sector.


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